Updated on the 23rd of March, 2024

Harley ☆ Kayna
They/He/She + Neos
Polyamorous aroace-spec abromantic aegosexual agender lesbian ☆ system host
Minor (16+) ☆ Virgo (Sept 12) ☆ Taken x1 ☆ ENFP-T
ENG + ESP ☆ Chilean
⇁Kayna (My Singing Monsters)
⇁Cassandra (Pico's School: April Fools Edition)
⇁Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
⇁Spray Paint (The Nightly Manor)
⇁Courtney (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
⇁Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)

⇁I misspell words intentionally and unintentionally a lot
⇁I use a lot of word shorteners and key smash
⇁I spam retweet a lot
⇁My English sucks sometimes
⇁I'd prefer if you used tone tags/indicators
⇁I say a lot of kys jokes / things similar to that
⇁I will not tag Lifering, and I sometimes forget to tag Lifekettle.
⇁Folk punk / Harley Poe
⇁Inanimate Insanity Invitational
⇁My Singing Monsters
⇁Wings of Fire
⇁Dog Man
⇁Marching band / Concert Band
⇁South Park
⇁Amanda the Adventurer
⇁Captain Laserhawk
highighted = current hyperfix
bolded = special interest
I am critical of all of my interests

⇁fall under anything in the typical dni stuff
⇁Under 13, over 30
⇁are an endogenic system
⇁are an NSFW account
⇁are a stan of Dream/Dream Team members
⇁believe VAs being related = chars being related
⇁think Lifekettle is proship (get out)
⇁believe you are the #1 Lifering fan
⇁Fantube and Lightbrush shippers (thin ice)
I can and will block anyone who does not follow this

⇁Tea Kettle (Inanimate Insanity)
⇁Fluoress (My Singing Monsters)
⇁Bullfrog (Captain Laserhawk)
⇁Hickory (Trolls)
⇁Haida (Aggretsuko)
⇁Anai (Aggretsuko)
⇁Scott Malkinson + Henrietta Biggle (South Park)
⇁Zim (Invader Zim)
⇁Lifering, Tea Kettle + Blueberry (Inanimate Insanity)
⇁Anemone + Winter (Wings of Fire)
⇁Pico (Pico's School)
⇁Petey, Dog Man, and Yolay (Dog Man)
⇁Potbelly, Sooza, Fluoress, Floogull + Epic Hoola (My Singing Monsters)
⇁Wooly (Amanda the Adventurer)
⇁Carrot Cookie + Licorice Cookie (Cookie Run)
⇁Hickory + Branch (Trolls)
⇁Lifekettle (Lifering x Tea Kettle)
⇁Kayness (Kayna x Fluoress)
⇁Dog Man x Petey
⇁Anemarin (Anemone x Tamarin)
⇁Bebrietta (Bebe x Henrietta)
⇁CarrotBeet (Carrot Cookie x Beet Cookie)
⇁Silverbrush (Silver Spoon x Paintbrush)

TRIGGERS AND DISCOMFORTS!⇁Pictures of IVs / hospital rooms or needles
⇁Realistic gore and self-harm (along with scars) pics
⇁Trichophagia mentions / mentions of eating inedible items
⇁Pico x Cassandra (Pico's School), Licorice Cookie x anyone (Cookie Run), Anemone x men (Wings of Fire), Rayman x Bullfrog (Captain Laserhawk), Nickel x Balloon and Silver Spoon x Candle (III)
⇁Ships w/ Lifering that aren't Lifekettle, Cabring, Clovring, my self insert ship, or Lifecabkettle
⇁Ships w/ Fluoress that aren't Kayness
⇁Cishet Lifekettle
⇁Lifering, Lifekettle, or the Sinkers neg
My triggers are bolded and the rest are discomforts. Sending me anything here will get you hardblocked. If you do post anything here, please tag it or use "Harley (or Kayna) don't look" or "hdl" / "kdl" !!. I do not have to explain to anyone why these things trigger or discomfort me.